Are there any benefits to drinking tea?
Tea is an all-weather beverage enjoyed all across the globe. Over centuries, drinking tea has remained a tradition, deep rooted in different cultures of the world. Originated in China in the early 2737 BC, drinking tea spread to India and other Asian countries, and eventually throughout Europe.
In India, tea was used for medicinal purposes long before the British introduced it as a recreational drink in the country. Today, China and India are the largest exporters of tea in the world. The demand for tea has surged over the years, thanks to the research and studies conducted regarding the health benefits of drinking tea. There are a number of scientific evidence that states drinking tea is good for your overall health.

Studies suggest that drinking 3 or more cups of tea in a day is good for your health. The antioxidants present in tea helps boost health, at the same time rehydrating it.
If you are a non-drinker (tea) and have doubts regarding introducing tea in your lifestyle, we will help you understand the health benefits of drinking tea and why people are so obsessed with it.
Let’s get started.
The following are the health benefits of drinking tea.
#1 Tea is filled with antioxidants
Antioxidants are the essential components that help in removing free radicals from the body and reducing cell damage. Tea has antioxidant properties in abundance that can help you decrease the risk of chronic diseases. Black tea, for instance, is a rich source of polyphenols, which is a type of antioxidant that helps in promoting overall health.
According to an animal study, polyphenols in black tea helped elevate the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol in rats. Black tea is also rich in theaflavins that can help reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol.
On the other hand, catechins, antioxidant components found in green tea can help reduce the overall body fat. There are many health supplements that contain antioxidants, but the best way to consume them is through natural food sources.
#2 Tea may help lower LDL cholesterol
Our body contains two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol throughout the body. One is HDL or high-density lipoprotein, and the second is LDL or low-density lipoprotein. HDL is considered good for your health as it carries cholesterol to the liver to be excreted. LDL, on the other hand, is considered bad for your health as it carries cholesterol to the cells throughout the body. This can lead to blockage of arteries and veins, causing severe health problems. People who consume tea on a daily basis found to have low levels of LDL cholesterol in their body. Drinking tea potentially improves the blood flow around the body, widening the key arteries and veins that ultimately reduce the risk of clots. As per a study published in 2016, it was found that people who consumed four or more cups of green tea at regular intervals had lower levels of LDL cholesterol and a 32% reduction in the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
#3 Drinking tea may boost heart health
Tea contains another group of antioxidants known as ‘flavonoids’ that can benefit heart health, according to studies. Flavonoids are responsible for keeping the arteries clean, allowing the blood to travel to and from the heart more effectively. Consuming tea daily can help reduce several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including obesity, elevated triglyceride levels, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

During a study, a group of people were told to drink black tea for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, it was found that the people had significantly reduced the level of triglyceride by 36%, lowered HDL/LDL plasma ratio by 17%, and reduced blood sugar levels by 18%.
Another study stated that people who drank black tea on a daily basis had an 11% reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
So, if you are concerned about you and your loved ones’ health, you better add tea to into your diet.
#4 Drinking tea can help improve gut health
Your gut health is directly related to your immune system. If your gut health is compromised, it means your immune system will also be affected. The bacteria found in your gut play a crucial role in keeping your gut health intact. However, there are trillions of bacteria found in your gut – some are good while some are bad. Thus, it is important that you maintain the health of the good bacteria in your gut as they are responsible for reducing the risk of certain health issues like cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.
The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of tea can help you maintain a healthy gut. It can help promote the growth of good bacteria and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria. The antimicrobial properties kill harmful substances from your gut and improve immunity, boosting the health of the digestive tract.
#5 Tea may help stop cancer-causing cells from generation
There are different types of cancer that exists. It becomes difficult to prevent cancer when you are diagnosed later. Tea is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols that can help prevent the cancer-causing cells from surviving in the first place.

A test-tube study was conducted to analyse the effects of the antioxidants in tea on cancer cells. It was found that green tea can play a significant role in regulating the growth of cancer cell and reduce the development of new cells.
On the other hand, another study scrutinised the effects of antioxidants found in tea on breast cancer. It was found that polyphenols can help overcome the growth of hormone-dependent breast tumours in women. While tea is not an ultimate solution to treat cancer, it can be used to help the development of cancer-causing cells in the body.
Final Words
There are a plethora of health benefits when it comes to drinking tea. It is important that you know your tea well. Since there are different types of tea available, preparing one can be somewhat overwhelming. Consult your doctor to know more about how to consume tea and the right amount to drink in a day.